Using Your Website With Your Advertising Part Four
BY ITW Consulting
ITW Consulting Corp
Whereas once someone might have seen your advertisement and so become aware of your product or service and so started looking out for it in shops etc, this way they will see the advert and then immediately visit the website if they are interested – gaining far more information regarding your company without your having to pay for a lengthy advertising slot, and giving them a way to contact your business or even make a purchase or order if they wish.
Like advertising phone numbers, advertising websites is done well with a memorable address and a jingle. Look for a URL that will be easy to remember, avoid hyphens and underscores and keep them short. Then work this address into your advertising in a major way.
These same rules apply to advertising in magazines, on the radio, in flyers and on billboards, and essentially you advertise you business just as you always would have, while at the same time trying to put some emphasis on your website and what you do and encouraging them to visit. You can even offer promotional deals etc for those who book online or order online to encourage traffic.