Basics of Website Design: Part Two
BY ITW Consulting
ITW Consulting Corp
First of all, most web design will include a banner across the top of the site. This is an important feature that will help your visitors to recognise the page they`re on. This banner will be placed normally front and centre, though in some rarer cases it may be offset to the right. Either way this is one of the most constant elements of web design, and further more it will consistent and in the same place on most pages. This adds consistency to your site so that there is a common thread through all of the pages, while at the same time giving it identity so that people glancing at the site will know instantly what it is about no matter which page they`re on. This banner should include a title and be fairly large (while still allowing space for actual content) and should include the title of the website or company – essentially looking much like the title does over the top of a magazine, except for being present on every page.